Tuesday, May 01, 2007

She's Growing Up!

Kaitlyn is experiencing a surge of development right now, which is so fun to see. But it's also a little sad. She may still weigh only 19 lbs, but I'm losing my baby!

For starters, she used to always call me "Bobby" instead of "Mommy." The "B" and "M" are phonetically very close, so she just mixed them up. But, now it's just "Mommy." I kind of miss "Bobby!"

And, just a few weeks ago, she didn't even have a word for book. Tonight, for the first time, she put two words together: "another book." Actually, it sounded a more like, "anu-uh bu."

She's also following directions better. If I tell her to sit down, she will (unless we are in the midst of a power struggle). If I tell her to go show Daddy something, she will go in search of him. If I tell her to go get her shoes, she will. If I ask her if she wants to read a book, she'll go in search of a book and plop down in my lap. However, if I tell her it's time for bed, she'll run the other way! (Unless she's really tired, in which case she'll go in search of her Lovey.)

And, Little Miss Independent thinks she has the world all figured out...and definitely wants to join in. This can be good...or bad.

For the good, Kaitlyn...
...finds a hairbrush, she brushes her hair.
...finds a washcloth, she scrubs her body.
...finds a phone (or a calculator), she holds it to her ear and says, "hello!"
...finds Mommy's shoes, she puts them on.
...finds an action figure, she moves it around, making nice boy-like sound effects.
...holds a banana, she makes monkey sounds.

For the bad, Kaitlyn...
...sees Mommy starting to prepare a meal, she climbs up into her seat, expecting immediate gratification. (Little does she know that the chicken will take 45 minutes to bake!)
...finds a potty...she stands in front of it, pulling her shirt up, just like her brothers. (Fortunately, she leaves her diaper on!)
...finds ANYONE'S toothbrush, she brushes her teeth.
...finds an ink pen, she takes off the top and colors all over our sofa.
...finds Mommy's make-up, she empties it out and gives herself a fine clown face.
...finds a box of tissue, she wipes her nose (with at least 50 of them).
...finds a "spanking spoon", she gives Cotter a spanking.
...has a poo-poo in her diaper, she comes and tells me "poo-poo," pointing at the diaper...and then runs the other way, because she doesn't necesarily enjoy a diaper change.
...finds a toilet brush, she...well, you get the picture.

I can't believe Kaitlyn will be 18 months in 2 days! She is such a delight, and, despite her antics, not a day goes by when I don't ponder what a joy and a blessing God has given us in her.


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