You Like WHAT?

Right before Thanksgiving, Aidan had a Thanksgiving "feast" with his class at school, where parents brought in various dishes. One "mystery" dish sat on the table, and we as parents didn't want to offend the provider of this dish by asking what it was, so we just dutifully served it to the kids without really knowing. After the meal, I asked Aidan was his favorite foods were. He replied, "My favorites were the cornbread and the other yellow stuff that I don't know what it is." I had to know. So, I politely went to the Mom and told her that Aidan really loved that dish, and what was in it? Well, ends out it was rutabagas! Rutabagas?? Who serves rutabagas to a room of second-graders? She must be from the deep south. But, now that I know how much Aidan likes them, maybe I should try to include them on my menu. But, how exactly does one cook a rutabaga? And, would I even recognize a rutabaga in the store if I saw one? Anyone with ideas, please let me know!
[Oh, I did find out one of her tricks: she adds sugar to them. ]
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