Savoring the Moments

Okay, this is sort of a melancholic post, but I'm a little sad. Kaitlyn has given up her adorable caterpillar crawling for the more efficient and typical version of cross-crawling. And, anyone who knows her will remember the cute way she liked to squish up her face and pant through her nose when in a silly mood. Unfortunately, that's on the way out. Pondering the passing of such phases, I really wish I had the secret to truly savoring the moments. I don’t always love each stage my kids go through, but I hate the fact that I can never go back. Once a moment has been lived, it can never return. This compels me to try to live each moment, squeezing out of it every last drop and leaving nothing behind for regret.
To me, regret would be leaving behind moments full of opportunities to minister, pray, love, teach, serve, listen, follow and obey, and in their place simply memories of a harried, busy, unavailable life. I neither want to dwell on the negatives of life or get so caught up in the details of living that I forget what and who I’m living for. It’s so easy to “have” to do the dishes when the kids want me to play a game or the Lord wants me to spend time with Him. I want to live my life with no regrets. Will I make sacrifices? Amen, YES! Will my house see days of utter disarray? Of course! But, at the end of the day, I will have a smile on my face. And maybe my kids will need less therapy.
This kind of reminds me of a poem I read once. I'll share it with you in my next post, above. If you are the sentimental type, get out the tissues.
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