Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Aidan on Goal-Setting

Aidan needed to do an assignment for his Critical Thinking course, which included posting a list of his goals. So, we are resurrecting this blog for that purpose. Maybe it will encourage us to start using it again more regularly!

Aidan's Goals:

1.I want to be close to God.
Short-term: I could read the Bible, pray, learn more about Him at church and tell others about Him.
Long-term: This is the same as my short-term goal. I could keep reading the Bible, praying, learning more about Him at church and telling others about Him.

2. I want to be an astronaut.
I could read up on astronauts and space travel. I could work hard at science, critical thinking and math at school.
Long-term: I could go to space camp and get a college degree in Aerospace.

3. I want to travel to an Italian pizzeria.
Short-term: I could start gathering money and learn how to speak Italian.
Long-term: I need to gather money for a plane ticket to get there. I could do this by walking dogs now or getting a job in high school.

4. I want to give 10% of what I earn to my church.
I could earn money by walking dogs and give 10% to the
Long-term: I could earn more money at a job and give 10% to the church.

5. I want to go camping for two weeks at Yellowstone National Park.
I need to start gathering all the right camping equipment and learn how to pitch a tent and make campfires.
Long-term: I need to gather money for a car or a plane ticket to get there. I could do this by walking dogs now or getting a job in high school.


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